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Week two.


July 17, 2015


All settled, making work in an awesome studio. Nothing to complain about, except that good chicken wings are a half hour drive away (good chicken wings fuel good art work, seriously).

I've also been getting better at this whole dine and dash fifteen minute rule. If you didn't read my last post, the fifteen minute rule was a tip from my neghboring artist, on getting the shots or footage you need and being sure to leave the scene in fifteen minutes or less. This was in response to angry people, who assume you are doing something horrible on their land. I can't say I blame them for protecting their property, it's the same as someone coming onto your lawn and putting up signs for political campaigns, or literring, or loitering. Anyway, the improvements to this fifteen minute rule:

#1. Make sure your camera is visible.

#2. Make yourself look like a tourist - that's normal around these parts. Take photos of touristy things (everything).


#3. When photographing something out of the norm, make sure it can be removed from the site quickly without leaving damage - this helps for when someone suspecting comes by. You can just remove the object and make it look like you're photographing the above mentioned touristy things, and you're not out to cause trouble. Reinstall whatever you took down as soon as they are gone and quickly get your shots and or footage.


#4. Make sure your gear is ready for easy access and an even faster and more secure stow and go.


#5. Park nearby in a discreet place if possible, for a quick get away.


Tip #6, is to actually ask for permission from the land owners. But considering that you usually don't have any idea where they may live in these vast lands, this is not an option. However, stay there longer than fifteen minutes, and I'm sure they'll find you instead.


Some of the resulting work (snapped in fifteen minutes or less):



Yes. I took a photo of dirt.

I've also been fortunate enough to have many visitors already! This has been great for sanity breaks, but also to have some help in the studio, it's invaluable to have other people to bounce ideas off of. And to do work for you. For free.

Forcing people to make paper airplanes is a surprisingly good team building exercise. Those are tears of joy, right?

Production begins.

Production begins.

Studio experimentation

Studio experimentation

Can they fly on their own?

Can they fly on their own?

Yes, yes they can (sort of)!

Yes, yes they can (sort of)!

Meet the Flying Wing V1.0! Made from scrap bits of wood, dowels, an zip ties.

I love zipties.

I love zipties.

What do you see?

What do you see?

Did you ever get there?

Did you ever get there?

Come back

Come back

I managed to get another session in with the Light Cannon. It took a good hour to get this shot, waiting for more lights in the area to go down. Thankfully it was at night and where no one could bug me, because they couldn't see me (actual tip # 6, be a ghost).

Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel!

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